Nuclear Energy :- The energy released when two nuclei of light elements combine with each other to form a heavy nucleus or when a heavy nucleus breaks into two light nuclei is known as nuclear energy.
Basically Nucleus is made of protons and neutrons. And the mass of nucleus must be equal to the sum of mass of protons and mass of neutrons.
But In realty Mass of nucleus is less then the sum of mass of protons and mass of neutrons this difference in mass is known as mass defect. And this mass defect is reponsible for nuclear energy.
Geothermal Energy :- We know that earth is made of different layers. And temrature of diffrent layers is different. And we can use this temprature difference to change water into steam and used to produce electrical energy. this temprature difference is also responsible for hot water springs.
Dear friends can we explain these two energies in somewhat simpler terms so that students of IXth standard can easily understand these terms ?
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